Category Archives: Parenting

Parenting: Nurturing vs Spoiling

I was having an online conversation with some fellow moms on Twitter about the idea of where does the line of nurturing our children and spoiling them become blurred.  We were talking mainly on the idea of moms making lunches for their high school children. At first I was appalled at the idea of it. Even my 5 and 6 year olds help with packing their lunches! But as they explained their reasons, my judgy side had to take a seat.  Some working moms said it was one last “motherly ” type thing they could do for their kids. Some stay at home moms said their children’s schedules between school, sports and jobs were so busy that they felt it important to take care of that little detail for them, less stress on their busy child.  I get both of those reasons, they make sense to me and I can see their points.

I think it comes down to the attitude of the child, especially an older child.  If they have the attitude of expecting us to take care of their every need, I feel we are failing them.  As their parents, we absolutely want our children to feel safe and secure and taken care of of.  But I think we can do that without tending to their every need in unnecessary ways…spoiling them.

The one thing on my parenting list of DO NOT DO THIS is raise a child with a sense of entitlement.  There is nothing worse than a spoiled brat child who expects everyone to bow to them and give them their every desire. Except maybe a spoiled brat adult who acts that way.

Am I right?

So how do we care for our children, nurture them, provide their needs without spoiling them?

I’m sure there are entire books and psychological  studies done on the subject but here is what I think…

It’s about the expectations we have of others.  I don’t expect anyone to do anything above and beyond for me. So when they do, I am sincerely grateful.  And that it what I work hard at teaching, by modeling, to my boys.

I’m a stay at home.  I take care of most of the cooking and cleaning around here. And I don’t mind, because, it’s my job.  BUT, I have a very strong motto that my children know well, and that is:

“I’m the MOM not the MAID.”

So, I expect my children to make their beds in the morning. Sure I could do it, I have time.  But it’s a skill I want them to learn. And they are not going to learn it by coming home to a clean room and freshly made bed every day.

I have them help me pack their lunches.  They see what’s going into it and why. We talk about eating our veggies before our cookie.  We talk about not throwing away things that could be eaten later, because food costs money and we need to be frugal and not wasteful.

They help with dishes and laundry and dusting.  I could do it all, and on especially busy weeks, I might.  But how will my children learn those life skills if I don’t teach them?  How will they learn that just because we are tired or busy or just plain don’t want to, things still need to be done.

The laundry fairy is not real.

Oh how I wish she were.

I want them to know that I will always help them take care of themselves, but I don’t want them to automatically expect that I will do everything for them.

When they are grown up, I want my boys to be equipped with all sorts of life skills.  I want them to be able to take care of themselves.

Don’t get me wrong, I spoil my kids.  Plenty.  But it has always been very important to me that while I spoil, I also teach gratitude.  I’m proud of the fact that my boys are appreciative of the things that are given to them and done for them. I have worked hard at that!


I point out opportunities to be grateful. Child psychologists who have
graduated from the top psychology schools
would agree that modeling is
one of the best ways to teach children.

I say things like, “Wasn’t that nice of so-and-so to do for us? I sure am grateful for that, I think I’ll send them a little thank you card!”  I’m demonstrating kindness and gratitude through my own actions.  And THAT is how we teach our children.  That is how they become grateful.

They see it in us.

I model grateful behavior by telling my husband thank you for working so hard to provide our needs.  By letting others go before me in line. By leaving the last muffin for someone else because I’ve already had two. It’s about modeling unselfish behavior.  “Wow, she was really nice to bring muffins for everyone. I’m grateful that I even got one muffin, much less two, I think I’ll leave that last one for someone else rather than taking it for myself.”

Our children learn by watching us. See a behavior in your child that you don’t like? Stop and take a look in the mirror. Ouch.  I know. We might not be demonstrating that particular behavior, but maybe we are overlooking it and not expecting more from our child?

No matter what we do for our kids or how much, when they respond with a “thank you”, not an “it’s about time”, we have nurtured, not spoiled.

If my child says, “HEY, where’s my drink?” Instead of “Mom, could you please get me a drink?” I have spoiled, not nurtured.

You can obviously see the difference.  There is a thin line, but a big difference in outcome.

I still have a lot to learn about this subject, and so do my kids.  But we are trying, and that is the most important thing!

What do you think about nurturing vs spoiling?

Love and Logic Parenting Tip: Sibling Rivalry

If anyone knows anything about Sibling Rivalry, it’s the Lehmans.

My husband came from a family of five kids.  I had two brothers.  We have three boys.

Yeah, we know sibling rivalry.

I wasn’t always sure, however, how to deal with it.  Until I found Love and Logic. I listened to the Sibling Rivalry Cd over and over and over and I learned sooooo much.

If you are dealing with (or better yet, know you are going to deal with in the future) sibling rivalry, I guarantee that you will have an easier time with it if you prepare yourself with some Love and Logic tips and techniques!

So here are the points I have found that help us the most!

First of all, it will happen.  No matter how hunky-dory your kids may get along, there will be some level of sibling rivalry!

Focus on the things that you CAN control about your children’s fighting, arguing and overall not getting along.  Here are a few tips from the latest L& L Insider’s Club Email.

Listed below are just a few of the many things we can control:
  1. Whether we do extra things for kids who are battling with each other.
  2. It’s perfectly reasonable for a parent to say, “This is such a bummer. I’m tired-out from listening to you arguing with each other. I don’t have the energy to drive you to your friends’ houses.”

  3. Whether we allow certain items to remain in our homes.
  4. A friend of ours said to her kids, “This is so sad. Every time you guys play with that game you get in a fight. I gave it away so it wouldn’t be a problem anymore.”

  5. Whether we allow their fighting to interrupt our responsibilities and time.
  6. Have you ever noticed how kids tend to argue and bicker with each other when you are trying to do something that requires your complete attention such as trying to talk on the phone? If you feel secure that your kids won’t harm each other, it’s probably best to say, “This is really draining my energy. You guys need to work this out or go your separate ways.”

  7. Whether we give them “bonding opportunities.”
  8. When your kids start to battle with each other, experiment with saying, “Sounds like you guys need some bonding time.” Then assign them some chores to give them an opportunity to feel the love.

I love these tips. They are quick and easy to remember.  If you are drowning in sibling rivalry, write those points down and stick them on the fridge!  Step back from arguing with your kids and let them handle their own battles!

My favorite thing to do when my boys are fighting is to make them sit on opposite ends of the couch.  Then, they have to sit there and talk out the problem they are having. At first I had to sit in between them so they wouldn’t pummel one another and I helped them talk things out, taught them how to voice what they wanted and then offered suggestions on how to solve the problem.  Now, they can usually handle it on their own.   Even at 5 and 6, Charlie and Chase can problem solve! It’s wonderful!  

But it hasn’t come easily and it was WORK.  But the end result is so worth it!  

So when I see them fighting, all I have to say is “To the couch!” and they know what to do.  Then, if no agreement can be made or they refuse to talk or calm down, they just sit!  Doesn’t bother me!  They are each responsible for when the other can get up.  So, Chase decides when Charlie is done sitting and Charlie decides when Chase is done sitting.  Once in awhile, one will get ridiculous and say, “I am NEVER letting you get up!” And I may have to step in, but generally, they both agree when it’s time to get up and let each other off the hook.  It works!  The fight usually ends in agreement or at least a, “Let’s just forget about it and go play something else.”  Which works for me too!

So be bold with your ideas and make your kids responsible for their own behavior when it comes to sibling rivalry!  Don’t step in to every argument they have.  You will just wear yourself out!  Set limits, control what you can and step back and let them do the work!

Never work harder on your child’s problems than they do!!!

This is not a sponsored or paid post.

Love and Logic Parenting Tip: Aren’t There Enough Unpleasant, Rude People in the World?

This is this week’s Love and Logic Insider’s Club email. I love the subject matter of this one. Raising kind and respectful kids is top priority to me and I’ve mentioned before that the best way to raise a child like that is to be an adult like that! Here is what the email said about it:

“If there weren’t enough pleasantness-challenged people in the world, there might be a good reason for creating more of them. But, as you’ve probably noticed, there seem to be plenty.
Mary is doing her part to increase the ratio of world niceness to nastiness. She also knows that nice kids are more likely to choose nice nursing homes for their elderly parents. As a result, she’s careful to demonstrate niceness to the teller at the bank, to the mail carrier, to the grocery store checkout clerk, etc.
Mary has a secret: she doesn’t always feel like being so pleasant to every one of these folks. Sometimes, she’d just as soon nod, grunt, or ignore them altogether. But Mary has her precious little daughter Shelby in tow as she goes to all these places and sees these individuals.
From my son’s DVD, Painless Parenting for the Preschool Years, Mary was reminded that important values such as respect are “caught” by little ones through the powerful force of modeling. She could spend lots of time telling Shelby to be nice, but she has learned that it is far more effective to show Shelby exactly what it looks like.
Shelby has even learned to say nice things and smile as they progress through their day. And even at her young age, little Shelby has noticed that people seem to be happier around Mommy, and they often tend to be nice right back. Can you imagine the advantage Shelby might have when she’s making friends or interviewing for jobs some day?
If only more moms and dads set out intentionally to model courtesy and respectfulness for their kids when they were driving, running errands, and interacting with other human beings. It just might work better than yelling, “Hey! You be nice!”, when they are less-than-sweet.”

So get out there and be an example of kindness and respect to your kids and to others!

The world thanks ya!

*Amazon Affiliate Link

Love and Logic Parenting Tip: Getting The RESPECT You Deserve

I receive the Love and Logic Parenting Insider’s Club newsletter (which I LOVE, by the way) and I got this little tid-bit in my inbox the other day. I just loved what it said and wanted to share it with you!  I added a few of my own thoughts in italics. Cause I like to get in the last word and stuff.

Do your kids wipe their feet on you like a doormat? Do you ever find yourself grieving because you’ve lost the dream of having kind, appreciative kids?

You’re not alone, and there are steps you can take to begin turning things around.

* On a daily basis, remind yourself that you deserve to be treated with the same level of respect with which you treat your kids. (This means you should be, you know, respecting your kids)
Maintaining this attitude of self-respect gives us the intestinal fortitude to expect respect in a respectful way.

* Don’t move on until you’ve neutralized arguing. (For the love of all things good and holy, DO NOT ARGUE WITH YOUR KIDS)
This means repeating something like, “I love you too much to argue,” instead of getting pulled into a debate.

* When you become good at neutralizing arguments, begin setting small yet completely controllable limits.
Pick small issues that you have total control over. Then set limits you are prepared to enforce. For example: “I’ll get that for you when I hear ‘please.'” (It’s easy to forget to respond to bad behavior because you are used to it, like when someone screams, “Get me water!” you do. Don’t do it! EXPECT better behavior! Be on guard!)

Since you’ve already mastered the ability to stay out of arguments, you’ll be prepared for your child’s reaction.

* Remember to model an assertive, respectful and empathetic attitude.
When we’ve been treated badly by our kids, it’s easy to fall into the trap of providing consequences with a “get-even” attitude. If we do, our kids will sense this and rebel. (ie: I’ll give you something to cry about it ain’t gonna cut it, try instead: “Ohhh, this is so sad. When you can speak to me nicely I’ll be happy to listen to you.” and walk away from the smart mouthed kid before your urge to slap ’em upside the head emerges. What?!)

* Begin to set progressively larger limits.
When our youngsters begin to see that we can handle smaller situations without backing-down or losing our cool, it becomes easier to set and enforce limits over big issues. (practice makes perfect!)

The key to rebuilding respect from our kids involves proving to them that we can handle them without getting frustrated or angry. In my CD, Oh Great! What do I do now?, I provide more practical tips for making this happen. (Totally in love with these CDs. Get one or two or all of them)

What do ya think?! Pure gold, isn’t it?!  This isn’t a paid post, by the way.  I just truly love Love and Logic Parenting and what it has done for us! Hope you learned something too!

But if you DO want to buy the book, use my little Amazon Affiliate links to the side there or the button below and I’ll get like 20 cents! I live large, people.

Boobies Are For Babies

I’m not a very controversial type of person.  I’m a peace keeper.  I don’t like to blog about stuff just to create drama or get attention.  But when my sister-in-law told me about an experience she had this weekend, I just had to say something about it.  If you follow me on Twitter, you’ve already heard me say a few things about it and I just want to say thank you to everyone who retweeted on my behalf and encouraged me to speak up about it.

My step-brother and his family attended King’s Island in Ohio on Saturday.  He and his lovely wife are parents to two little boys and one adorable baby girl (no, I’m not jealous…much).  While at the park, baby girl got hungry.  The poor little thing was hot, hungry and tired.  So, naturally, my sister-in-law did what any good Mom would do and found a place to sit down and feed her baby.  She discreetly nursed her hungry baby in an outdoor pavilion where they hold shows and such.  The place was empty and there was no show going on at the time.

A woman who works for the park came up to my SIL and said, “I’m sorry, you are going to have to find somewhere else to do that. WE DO NOT ALLOW THAT HERE.”

*deep breath*

My SIL is like me. Quiet. Keeps to herself. Doesn’t like to rock the boat.  So she asked the woman, “Excuse me? What did you say?”  Thinking surely she misunderstood.

Nope. She didn’t.  The woman asked her to stop nursing the baby and leave the area.

So she did.  My SIL now says that she regrets leaving and not dealing with it immediately, but she was so angry and upset that she just walked away instead of causing a scene.



I can bet money that there were boobs hanging out all over the place at the theme park that day.  I will also bet not one of them was asked to cover up or leave the area because of it.

Since when is letting it all hang out ok but discreetly feeding a baby is not?!

Did you hear about Kim Kardashian tweeting about being appalled at a woman breastfeeding her baby in public?  (Which I read about at Her Bad Mother, by the way, another great article about this subject!)

UM HELLO?!  Pot calling the kettle black much?  That woman has her stuff out for there everyone to see!

Now, let me just say, I don’t think breastfeeding women should be whipping their breasts out for all mankind to see all in the name of breastfeeding.  I think modesty and discretion are important.

But when it comes to my boys being flashed with a booby so a woman can feed her hungry baby or the baby left for hungry so as to not “offend” anyone, I choose to feed the hungry baby.


I’m not calling for a boycott of King’s Island or anything dramatic like that (though I do believe they need to make this right with my SIL).  From what I understand, others have had no problem nursing their babies there and King’s Island even boasts a Baby Care Center where Moms can tend to their little ones.

What I am doing here is taking advantage of an opportunity to EDUCATE.


 It is not always convenient for a Mother to “go find a different spot.”  Do you think we like to nurse our babies in the glaring sun in 100 degree heat with a blanket wrapped around us?  Don’t you think we would rather sit in an air conditioned room with privacy?


When a baby is hungry, YOU FEED IT.

You have the right to a vending machine around every corner.  So breastfeeding babies should be allowed to eat whenever they like as well.

Does it make you uncomfortable to be around a breastfeeding woman?



P.S. – I didn’t even mention the fact that it is ILLEGAL to ask a breastfeeding woman to stop and leave.  You can read all about that HERE.


I rest my case.

Many thanks to my dear sweet sister in law for letting me rant about her injustices. 🙂

Love and Logic Parenting Tip: You Can’t Make Me!

I think it’s one of the most dreaded statements a parent can hear come out of their child’s mouth.


It sends shivers up your spine, no?  I think the reason the shivers appear at the sound of it is because we know….they are right!  We can’t make our kids do anything they don’t want to do.

I mean, we can try.  We can threaten them within inches of their life and give them the “mommy glare” and they might do what we ask of them with a chip on their shoulder and a mumble under their breath.

But the more and more I attempt at honing my parenting skills, the more I realize that I just don’t want to be that kind of parent.  Because, one day, one day not that far from today, the mommy glare will not work.  They will be too big for me to put over my knee.  They will be mini adults making grown up decisions.  Those are the moments, the should I try this alcohol even though I’m underage moments, when they are far from my gaze and all they have is my voice inside their head, their own thoughts and ideas about choosing right and wrong.

I can not make them choose the right thing then…so why should I try to make them do it now?

Are you seeing what I’m getting at here?   Every single day, the price tag of the mistakes our kids make gets more expensive.  Today we teach them to choose the right thing and share their toys, in a few years they choose the right thing and decide to not share the cigarette with a friend.

Yes, I think it is that simple.

So here are some tips on changing your behavior so you can teach your child that life is full of choices and there are consequences, both good and bad, to follow those choices.

*Always give options.

This has to be the simplest thing you can do for your child.  Giving options, even small ones, gives your child a sense of control.  Take control away from a human being and you have a robot.  Take control away from a toddler and you have a tantrum waiting to happen.  I don’t want little kid robots.  And I’ve done enough years of tantrums to tell you…you don’t want those either.  I want responsible human beings with good decision making skills.  So teach them, teach them how to make good choices.  How?  Give options:

“Would you like to go the bathroom now or after you get on your pajamas?”

These little spurts of decision making for little ones, shows them that you know they know how to make choices.  As they grow, the options become larger:

Would you like to wake up with an alarm or are you going to just hope you wake up in time for school?

And then….oh God help me…

Would you like to pay for the car insurance all up front or in a monthly fee?

Inevitably, you will ask one of these questions and the answer will be: NEITHER…AND YOU CAN’T MAKE ME.

…deep breaths…

Your response?

You are right, I can’t make you do anything.  So I will give you another choice:

Then you pull out the big guns:

That’s fine if you do not want to go to the bathroom before bedtime, but if you wet the bed, you will have to clean the sheets and blankets in the morning…and a new mattress costs about $50 or the equivalent of (insert expensive, favorite toy here).  So that’s fine…you decide.

Would you like to ride the bus for free or would you like to pay me $3 to pay for the gas to bring you to school? (works great for kids who oversleep or lolly-gag and always miss the bus)

Let me know when you decide about how you are going to pay the insurance, until then, I know you can figure out a way to get to and from all of your school and sports obligations

And then either, A) They will see that you are not giving in and will make a reasonable decision or B) They will keep fighting you.

What do you do?  You got it, more options:

If your bed wetter still insists on not going to the bathroom, let them go to bed.   Yes, let them.  When they have an accident in the morning…DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT, give in.  Follow through..
“Uh-oh, looks like you wet your bed.  Let me know when you get all of the sheets pulled off the bed and I will start the washer for you.  Then you can decide how you are going to pay me for the damages to the mattress.” 

“Looks like you missed the bus. How would you like to pay me for the gas that it will take for me to drive you to school today?  Your allowance or your birthday money you have saved?”

“I’d be happy to drive where you need to go if you’d like to pay me for the gas, otherwise, here is the number to the local taxi service, but remember, they only accept cash, so be prepared for that.”

Get creative with the consequences, use what will work for your kids, what will motivate them.

But make sure it makes sense for the crime. 

Taking away the tv from a 3 year old will not teach them how to follow the bed time routine without having a fit.  But making them give up their favorite toy for damage payment and miss Curious George in the morning because they are too busy stripping blankets off their bed every morning might.

Grounding a child for a month  for missing the bus repeatedly does not teach them how to get up and get themselves ready on time every day. But making them use their birthday money that they have been saving towards a new video game might.

Allowing your teenager to skip out on the insurance while you cover their butt while saying, “you owe me one” will not teach them responsible vehicle management.  But making them tak a cab or (gasp) walk to school and extra curricular activities until they pay might.

More tips:  

Don’t argue in between option giving.  Give them options clear and straight forward.

If you get upset, walk away, tell your child you will discuss it when you are both calm. 

OR, make the bed wetter wear pull-ups, let the middle-schooler get an unexcused absence and support the school’s discipline actions for skipping school, don’t allow the teenager to drive the family car if he can not afford to pay the car insurance on their own vehicle.

Get tough, be firm, show them that you say what you mean and you mean what you say.  When they can not make reasonable decisions, make them for them.  Not with anger, not with judgment, in a very simple, matter-of-fact a decision needs to be made so I will make it for you way.

Sure, these options may seem harsh, but life isn’t a cake walk.  No one makes my husband get up and go to work in the morning.  Sure, if someone stood over him, threatening to beat him if he didn’t, he’d go.  But he doesn’t go because he has to.  He goes because he wants to.  He wants to provide for his family, he wants to pay his bills, he wants to do the right thing.

There are plenty of people in this world who do not get up and go to work because they simply do not not want to.  They’d rather mooch off their parents and friends, rack up an unhealthy amount of credit card debt and dig themselves into a hole of self loathing and “Why doesn’t anything good ever happen for me”.  You can imagine that their parents did not teach them cause and affect with real life consequences.

So stop trying to MAKE your child “obey you or else”.  Start giving option after option after practical option. Make the decisions theirs.  Make the problems theirs. 

LOVING the ideas I’m getting from this book. It’s saving my life, and I’m not just saying that because they sent me a free book and if you click on the link below and buy it I will make like 30 cents. Promise.  I really can’t enough good things about it!

Mommy Guilt: Homeschooling Edition

So I have been working really hard on overcoming my Mommy Guilt.  Then I came across a blog post from MckMama about why they decided to homeschool.  And it all came flooding back.

I have thought about homeschooling before, and I certainly agree with many of the reasons why so many people do.  I mean, I get it.  But we have decided that it is not for us.  And then I read MckMama’s reasons and I feel all…OMG I AM THE WORST MOM EVER.


But I know that’s not true. I know that.  But you know that feeling of why I can’t I be that kind of Mom that haunts you?

The Mom who just loves her children oh so very much that she can’t stand to be away from them for one single minute.

The kind of Mom that doesn’t want other people to teach her children lest they do it wrong.

The kind of Mom who wants to be involved with every single learning moment that their child has.

The kind of Mom that thinks her children poop rainbows and sunshine.

I know, not every homeschooling/unschooling parent is like that last one.  Just like every homeschooling mom doesn’t wear a denim jumper with an apple crochet on the front.  It’s just my self conscious “I’m not good enough” self pity attitude speaking.

So I remind myself of the things that I do do for my children that makes me a great Mom.  Like laugh really hard at typing do do and thinking doo-doo and then not fixing it.


We do teach our children at home.  As often as possible, in many situations.

We engage with our children regarding their school work.  We certainly don’t expect the school system to do all of the teaching.  And we don’t leave all the work to the teachers.

We teach our children responsibility with real world consequences.

Our children see first hand the differences in families, cultures, religions, value systems…and we teach them about those differences, about how to value them, about how to stand up for what they believe amongst it all and and about loving, not judging.

We encourage creativity and my boys are some of the most imaginative children I know.  Right now, after playing a rousing game of guitar hero, they are imagining they are on a Rock Band World Tour.  They are using a map to decide which part of the world they will tour next and what songs will work best for those cultures.  I may have just heard the phrase “that’s not appropriate for that culture” used. (SO PROUD)  Followed by “what’s culture mean?”  Followed by an inspiring explanation of culture by a 9 year old to a 5 year old.  Also, “WOW, this stage really needs to be more organized, let’s sort it all out.”  And, my favorite, “God music is appropriate for ALL cultures.  So let’s just do an all God concert.”  (I might die from the cute.)

See? Homeschooling.

I realize that people who homeschool can also teach their children these lessons in different ways.   And I think that’s awesome.  FOR THEM.  Not every idea, every way of doing something, is right for every person or family.  Variety is the spice of life, right?

I do enjoy the time while my boys are at school.  And I’m not going to feel guilty for that.  I refuse to.  I also miss them and when they return home, we have a long oh-how-I missed-you hug before the chaos ensues and I wonder how long before they get to go back.  (I tease, I tease…or not…depends on the day.)

That doesn’t make me a bad Mom, it makes me a REAL Mom.

We didn’t rush our boys out the door for school.  I have not put my boys in preschool.  Chandler, our oldest, did go for one year before kindergarten for three days a week.  He loved it.  It worked for that time in our lives.  But our other boys have not and I’ve kept them all in half day kindergarten as well.  I know they will be gone all too quickly, all grown up, away from me for too many hours in the day.  And that really does make me sad.  It equally makes me happy in a way though, too.

They are learning, making friends, enjoying school (my kids love school, so far, I’m really lucky about that).  I am home, with a bit more time to try new recipes, get the house for real clean instead of fake clean, and maybe one of these days actually learn how to sew.  (Like for real sew, not having to call my Mommy for help, kind of sew.)

Yes, I’ll have time for ME.  I might even take a nap.  Maybe that makes me selfish.   But that’s ok.  I can deal with that.  I spent a whole lot of years forgetting what the word ME even meant as I breastfed, changed diapers, learned how to make everything from scratch, taught my boys the alphabet and how to write their names and then promptly wiping the crayon off the wall….so many years…wonderful as they were, I am excited to get a break. 

So sue me.

I am not the mom who can do all of those things and have my children at home.  I mean, I can, I just don’t want to.  I’d rather be playing Just Dance with my favorite five year old than wiping the toilet.  Having the boys home distracts me.  The weekends are spent playing and lounging and loving.  When everyone is home, that is all I want to do!  So having them gone for a few hours during the day certainly increases my productivity! 

To the moms who do all of those things and homeschool?  I hate you.  I admire you.  Good for you!  Go for it!  You are a TRUE supermom!  I think homeschooling is awesome for those of you who can make it work.

I guess I just need to accept that I am just not that kind of Mom.  And I’m slowly coming to accept myself for the Mom I am.

I love this post called “Choosing Public School in a Faith Filled Home” and I wanted to share it with you.  I agree with many of her insights about why they choose to send their children to public school.  I think the biggest one I relate to is the idea that I will not be able to always meet my children’s academic needs.  I feel so very ill-equipped for teaching my children.  I mean, I can do the easy stuff, but I think Chandler who is 9 years old and a very advanced learner is already smarter than me. (Totally wish I was joking.)  

I will teach my children everything I can at home and let the learning they do at school supplement what I miss.  

That feels good to me.

I still have one little guy at home.  A few more months until all of my kids are in school.  And I’ll be honest, (I can be super-duper no one is going to judge me honest, right?)

I dread the day he goes to Kindergarten.

And also?

I am so looking forward to the day he goes to Kindergarten.


Please say it’s ok.

Love and Logic Parenting: Getting Kids To Think

I’m signed up for the Love and Logic Institute’s Insider’s Club newsletter which is like a little gold nugget of parenting advice in my inbox every week. This week’s was a quick note and reminder about getting kids to think. It was such awesome insight and I wanted to share it with you!

So here is an excerpt straight form the email. I’d really encourage you to sign up for the emails yourself!!

Have you ever stopped to think about what a blessing it is to be a good thinker? Now I’m not necessarily talking about being a genius or intellectually gifted. I’m mostly referring to being able to use good problem-solving skills and good old-fashioned common sense.

As this world becomes ever more complex and temptation-laden, it becomes more and more important that we teach our kids how to build their mental muscles. Listed below are some quick tips:

* When your kids ask you for help with something, encourage them to try a bit longer before you jump in to help them. The only way to really learn good thinking skills is by having to figure out some things on your own.

* Ask them as many questions as possible. Examples include, “What else might you try? What have you seen other people do to solve this problem? What would happen if you tried_________? Where might you learn how to do that? Is that something you could learn about in a book, by asking someone, or by looking on the internet?”

* Allow them to mess up. Too frequently, we step in and tell kids exactly what to do when we worry that they might make a mistake. When the consequences are small, allow them to blow it and learn.

Now that is some awesome insight right there!  If you’d like to read more, check out my favorite parenting book, Parenting With Love and Logic over at my Amazon Store!

I was not paid to say any of this, I just really love me some Love and Logic. 🙂

Love and Logic Parenting – Letting Your Kids FAIL

That title is a tough one, isn’t it?  Just the thought of it makes me want to throw this book in the garbage.  But the wisdom in the idea of letting our kids fail is so deep, I just have to make myself embrace it and let the helicopter land for a bit.

As I continue to read Parenting with Love and Logic I am finding myself so much stronger in my confidence as a parent.  It really feels so good to have practical ideas and thoughts about parenting in my Mommy tool belt.  Here are a few thoughts about letting your kids fail that I read recently.

The basic idea here is that unless we allow our children to fail, we can not allow them to choose success.

Love and Logic helps kids raise their odds of becoming thinking individuals who choose success.  As parents, this means that we must allow for failures and help our kids make the most of them during their elementary school days, when the price tags are still reasonable.

We can hurt a little as we watch them learn life’s lessons now, or we can hurt a lot as we watch them grow up to be individuals unable to care for themselves.

These are all points that I took straight from the book.  It’s like gold, isn’t it?  Here are my thoughts:

When I do not allow my children to fail, I am teaching them that no matter what happens, Mommy and Daddy will always fix your problems for you.  Whether it’s a broken toy at 6 or a crashed car at 16, I want my kids to know that they can handle their problems and that Mom and Dad will always be there for them as support.  Does that make sense?  Let’s see an example:

Chase breaks a toy due to, let’s say, extreme boy behavior.  He comes to me crying, “I broke my toy!”  my response could be:

“Oh, that’s just terrible! Here, let me see it, let me see if I can fix it. OH NO.  I can’t fix, I’m so sorry!”
Chase falls into heaping mess on the floor, screaming.
“Oh, honey, don’t cry!  Here, look, Mommy will ask Daddy to fix it, Mommy will keep trying, Mommy will buy you a new one, do you want a cookie to make you feel better? Please don’t cry my sweet little gum drop sugar plum angel face baby boy.”


“I broke my toy!”
“Oh, no, how did that happen?”
“I was throwing it and it just broke!”
“Oh, that’s too bad.  When I get too rough with my stuff, something bad usually happens too.  What are you going to do about it?”   (note: this is said with true empathy and love, NOT sarcasm)
“I don’t know, YOU fix it!”
“I’d be happy to help you out with this problem when you speak to me nicely.”
“Mommy, would you please help me fix it?”
“Sure, let me see here…oh, I’m so sorry, it doesn’t look like it is something that I can fix.”
Chase falls into heaping mess on the floor, screaming.
“I can see how upset you are about this.  When you are ready to calm down, let me know and you and I can work together to figure out a solution to your problem.”
So when he becomes calm, we will talk about ways to get the toy fixed (ask daddy, use his saved money to buy a new one, chalk it up to a lesson learned and talk about not being too rough with our toys).

The consequence?  The broken toy.  If it was a toy he liked, that is a big enough consequence on it’s own.  If it was not and he continues to show careless behavior with his toys, we may need to have this conversation:

“Mom, where are my toys?”
“Ohhhh, it’s kind of a bummer…”
“Since you are having a hard time remembering to be gentle with your toys, I took them away for a couple of days, you know, to protect them.  I’m sure you’ll find something else to do for now.”

So the first example is maybe a bit exaggerated, but really not too far from some of our truths, is it?

The second example is me showing empathy and placing the problem back into Chase’s hands.  I did not make it my problem. I did not rescue him.  I did not fix it for him.  Sure sometimes, we do need to step in, that’s common sense.  But if we raise our kids with the idea in their heads, “If I screw this up, how am I going to fix it?” as opposed to “I’m not going to worry about the consequences, Mom and Dad will just take care of this later (like they always do).  For now, I’m just gonna have some fun!”  Well, it’s easy to see how they will respond when the problem is:

“MOM, I just crashed my car.”
“Oh, no, are you ok, what happened?”
“Yes, I’m fine.  I was driving too fast/being careless/changing the radio station/etc”
“I’m so glad you are ok.  Don’t worry honey, I’m sure you know how to handle this.  Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.”

I know, I know, easier said than done, and I don’t have teenagers yet.  But I was a teenager once and I did watch my poor parents deal with two teenage boys, so I can really see where this mind set will work if started early enough with our kids.

Another thought… don’t rush in to prevent mistakes.  Let them get the answer wrong on heir homework once in awhile.  How about instead of stressing yourself out about that report due in two days that your middle-schooler forgot about, you let them get a failing grade and as a result, can not play school sports until the grade is raised.  GASP, I know.  That’s not a bad parent, that’s a parent teaching their child responsibility.

So what do you think?  I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and we can all use some more ideas and advice!

Love and Logic Parenting – What Kind Of Parent Are You?

The wonderful people at Love and Logic sent me their book Parenting with Love & Logic by Foster Cline and Jim Fay.  The book is all about teaching children responsibility and in the mean time, if I might I add, saving your life!  I dove right into the book as soon as it came in the mail and spent a lot of time on the second chapter where it discusses the different types of parents.  I thought it would be interesting to share those parenting types with you and see exactly where do we all fit?  My eyes were truly open when I read this and got honest with myself about my parenting.  NO WONDER things have been difficult with my children.  We were doing it all wrong!

The Helicopter Parent:
This type of parent thinks loving your children mean revolving your life around them.  You are constantly meeting their every need, correcting every mistake and “protecting” them from everything and everyone.  You make sure your child never experiences disappointment.

Children of Helicopter Parents grow up to become “wanderers” who are unable to think for themselves, makes decisions or handle problems on their own.

The Drill Sergeant Parent:

This type of parent believes that a child should be TOLD what to do.  Your child will listen…OR ELSE.  The parent always thinks for the child and in doing so teaches them, “You can’t handle this, so I’ll handle it for you.” and “You can’t think for yourself, so I will think for you.”

Children of Drill Sergeant Parents become followers.  When they are away from their parents, they will look for anyone to TELL them what to do.

The Laissez-Faire Parent:

This type of parent is so confused about what to do when it comes to discipline and often lives in parental guilt.  So they become too lenient and let the child do whatever they want, whenever they want.  There are no boundaries, lots of threats and no real consequences for bad behavior.

Children of the Laissez-Fair parent are spoiled brats.  Period.  We all know what kind of adult they can become. *yikes*

The Consultant Parent:

This type of parent involves their child in decision making.  They ask questions and give choices.  They do not TELL their child what to do, they TEACH them to make good decisions.  They establish options within limits.  

Children of the Consultant Parent become confident in making decisions and weighing out consequences.

So, what type of parent are you?

I admit, I am was a Helicopter Parent.  I have been trying for some time now to back off.  To let my kids make decisions, to give choices, to let them fail.  It has been hard, but so rewarding as I watch my boys learn how to behave, how to choose.

I will speak for my husband, Matt, and say that he is a Drill Sergeant Parent.  He says jump and he wants them to ask, “How high?”  But we are learning together that both of our ways of parenting are simply not the way we want to parent anymore. We have to be on the same page and we have to work at changing the way we react to our children and instead respond to the situations before us.

Did you catch all of those very important bold words? 

I think it’s also very interesting to note that the different ways my husband and I like to parent are the ways our parents parented us!  (Not that you all did a terrible job, Moms and Dads, I think we turned out pretty darn good.)

Also check out Love and Logic’s book Helicopters, Drill Sergeants and Consultants: Parenting Styles and the Messages They Send By Jim Fay.

My next Love and Logic post will be about letting our children fail.

Oh it’s gonna be good.

Disclaimer: Love and Logic sent me this book free of charge in turn for my honest review. Because I love it SO MUCH, I will be posting weekly Love and Logic ideas and thoughts to share with all of you instead of one review.  Also, the product links used above are my Amazon Affiliate links, which means I will make money if you purchase those items through my links.  So, you know, do that.  🙂