Monthly Archives: February 2010

Turkey Talk

I’ve already told you about how I love to freeze cooked meat for quick meals.  Here is another way I like to get some meat in the freezer.  If I can find a turkey on sale (I found this one before Thanksgiving for like .20 cents a pound!) I will bake it on a Sunday. We enjoy a delicious Sunday dinner…

 …and then I get every last piece of meat I can off the turkey, chop it up, and freeze it

Now we are ready for turkey pot pie, turkey soup or hot turkey sandwiches without too much work!  And don’t forget to save the juices to freeze for soup broth or gravy!

Heavenly Popcorn

This recipe has been floating around our family and always shows up at get-togethers.  If you haven’t already read my Disclosure you should read that first and then come back to finish reading this recipe!

OK, now that you know of my love for junk food and understand that I will post some yummy not-so-good-for-you recipes here and there, let’s get on to the recipe.

Heavenly Popcorn

3 bags of popcorn
24 ounces white chocolate or white bark
Misc yummy additions – mine include peanuts, toffee bits and M&Ms

Pop popcorn and cool.  Be sure to pick out any unpopped kernels.  Biting into one of those as you shove it down your mouth eat lady-like bites can break a tooth!

Melt white chocolate, stirring frequently. 

Coat popcorn with white chocolate until evenly covered.

Mix in yummy additions.  Lay wax paper down and spread out your delicious concoction onto it.  Let cool and harden.
This is perfectly acceptable, expected even.

Once hardened, break up into bite sized pieces and enjoy!

Homemade Biscuits With A Bonus Recipe!


Homemade Biscuits:
2 1/4 cups Homemade Biscuit Mix
2/3 cup milk

Mix well (If the batter is not doughy enough, add a bit more milk until it reaches the right consistency) and drop by spoonfuls onto a cookie sheet.

Bake at 325 degrees for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown.

If you want to freeze them:
Place on cookie sheet and freeze.  Once frozen store in airtight, freezer safe container. Thaw and enjoy!

You could also freeze them uncooked (place on wax paper on a cookie sheet until hard, then transfer to container) and then pop in the oven the morning you need them!

NOW for the Bonus Recipe!

Homemade Biscuits and Gravy

Once in awhile it’s nice to enjoy some comfort food and this is one of our favorites!  It’s a bit of a southern style recipe and it is oh so good!

Gravy Recipe:
1 pound breakfast sausage
1/4 cup flour
2-3 cups milk
2-4 tbs butter
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/8 tsp garlic powder

Cook sausage until brown.  The grease can make your gravy very flavorful but it is not healthy at all. So it’s up to you if you want to include it.  If you drain off the grease, save at least a few of the little cooked up bits at the bottom of the pan.  Remove sausage from the pan.  Melt butter (the amount of butter you use depends on how much grease you left in the pan).  Mix in the flour and whisk together until brown and smooth.  Add more butter as needed to get a smooth consistency.

Whisk in milk a cup at a time.  Mix until smooth and thick and it begins to bubble.  Add more milk as needed to maintain a thick and smooth consistency.  Return sausage to pan.  Season with salt, pepper and garlic powder.  Simmer for about 10 minutes.

Serve over the biscuits above and enjoy!

OK, this just looks like a big blob of brownish stuff but I promise, it’s good!