Overcoming Anxiety

I wrote about overcoming anxiety at Burlington VT Moms Blog today. Check it out:

Living Room Renovations Before & After

When we first walked through the living room of this house, we were concerned. It was split up into two narrow spaces. There was no way it would work for us. We immediately knew that the only way we could buy this house was if the walls could be taken down. Our first step was to check with a contractor to see if it could be done and what it would cost. We had someone come right away and asses all the work that needed to be done before we put an offer on the house. The good news came, we could take down those walls and it was within budget! We were sold!

Here are the before and after pictures!

The heating system was all upgraded before we bought the house while it was sitting in foreclosure. Thanks, bank! You can see where the old radiator had left it’s mark on the wall. Thankfully some Kilz primer covered the rust stains!

The half walls really narrowed the space. We couldn’t have even fit a couch in there! Bye bye walls!

That door led to nowhere. In fact, there’s siding on the other side of it! We had it removed for obvious reasons.
Here the contractors have started to remove the walls. This was super exciting! And very messy. I was so grateful that we were not living in the house while the work was being done. Even if it did mean living in a hotel!
Adding this nice big beam meant we could take down the walls without fear of anything collapsing. They also put some extra support in the basement underneath. Well worth the time and money!
While most of the walls in the living room are drywall, this one side was plaster just like the dining room. So lucky Matt got the job of more smoothing and sanding. You’ll notice the various blue colors on the bottom wall there. I had the hardest time deciding on a blue! I finally decided on Coastal Vista by Behr at Home Depot.

We went away for a week of family camp while the floors were being installed. This was the first glimpse we got of them being done. It felt so good after so many weeks of it looking like a disaster area to come home to find this! It finally looked like a house! We chose to install real pine floors. We were not able to save the original floors on the first level but we wanted to look as though the floors had always been here. So I chose a wide plank pine and stained a very dark walnut to get that beautiful dark floor I wanted. It’s easily marked up because pine is soft but the floors look like they have always been here and that’s just what we wanted. Character!
Once we moved in, it took some time to get the living room from looking like this:
To this!

The only thing I have left to do in this room is to paint and distress the coffee table and end tables to match the cabinet under the tv. 
Tan colored paint: Cafe Latte by Glidden at Home Depot
Large rug: Better Homes & Gardens at Walmart
Ceiling fan, lamps and other light fixtures: Better Homes & Gardens at Walmart
Curtains: Fabric from Joanne’s, made by my Mom!
Pine wide plank floors: Home Depot
Desk & Chair: Goodwill Find
Stand under tv: Goodwill Find

Goodwill Dresser Re-purposed Into Entertainment Center!

I found the perfect piece to go under our tv. At Goodwill, of course! Here is the before picture:

Check out Goodwill of Northern New England’s blog to see how it turned out:

Duct Tape Parenting: The Rest of the Story

I shared more details on how my adventure in Duct Tape Parenting is going. I’m happy to say that my boys are responding very well and while we still have plenty of work to do, I’m happy with where we are headed!

Recipe: Banana Oatmeal Muffins

I made these banana oatmeal muffins last week off the cuff. They turned out quite deliciously so I thought I’d share!

Banana Oatmeal Muffins

1 1/3 cup all purpose flour
3/4 cup rolled oats
1/3 cup brown sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg
3/4 cup milk
3/4 cup mashed banana (about 2 bananas)
1/4 cup oil or applesauce
1/4 cup of chocolate chips or nuts, optional

Mix dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Mix wet ingredients together in a separate bowl. Mix both together until just combined. Spoon into muffin cups. Bake at 400 degrees for about 15-20  minutes.

Makes 12 muffins.


Duct Tape Parenting Book GIVEAWAY!

Red alert! Burlington Vermont Moms Blog is giving away the book I have been raving about! Duct Tape Parenting! Check it out and enter! Quick!

Here’s my review of the book, in case you are curious!

Book Review: Duct Tape Parenting

If you follow me on Instagram, you have seen that I am knee deep in trying out this thing called Duct Tape Parenting. My last post shows just how, um, interesting this has been. Today, I share a general review of the book, Duct Tape Parenting over at Burlington VT Moms Blog. Look for more details on how it’s going to come!

What I Wanted To Do…

What I wanted to do today was post pictures of our Living Room before and after. What I’m actually doing is nursing a sick kid. He moans. It’s the man cold in boy form. And it ain’t pretty.

What I wanted to do today was show you how pretty my Living Room is. What I’m actually doing is hoping this set up…

Thaws the pipes to our upstairs radiators that are frozen. No heat in Vermont in January is fun.

What I wanted to do today was show you this rug:

But I can’t because last night entailed an epic pillow fight and some certain children didn’t clean up after themselves. What I’m actually doing is reading Duct Tape Parenting and realizing my kids need more training. I realize this because I am constantly cleaning up after them and quite frankly, I’m sick of it.

I’m the mom, not the maid.

I’ve let things slip, taken over too much control. Not expected everyone to do their share around here. So I’m leaving the messes they create. I spent my weekend ignoring scenes like this:

Biting my tongue so hard I may puncture it. I’ve asked once. And that’s all I’m asking. Which is why my dining room looks like this:

And why my evening last night looked like this:

That’s me hiding in my bedroom drinking a glass of wine while the children destroy the house.

So far the messes don’t last long. It takes them a day to realize I’m no longer coming behind them to clean up. Now it’s Monday and I can’t touch any of this. Nope. Not even this delightful collection at the bottom of the stairs:

If you need me, I’ll be rocking in the corner, thinking about all the things I wanted to do today.

PS: this book I’m reading is so great! It’s like taking Love and Logic parenting up a notch and adding some great twists. I’ll be telling you more about it soon! Just, obviously, not today.

Kids Birthday Party Madness…

Where I talk about despising kids birthday parties at the arcade pizza place. You do too. Don’t lie.

Kids Birthday Party Madness…Please make it stop!

Kids TV Shows…Am I A Hypocrite?

My boys’ new favorite show is Survivorman on the Discovery channel.

We are generally pretty picky about what we let our boys watch. We don’t watch Spongebob. We don’t watch those dumb teenager comedies. I just don’t feel like my young boys need to get caught up in shows about boyfriends and girlfriends and all that drama. I also don’t want them thinking that is how life and relationships actually work. When they are a little bit older and able to distinguish between real life and drama meant for tv, then we’ll revisit that genre of shows.

Or not.

As for Spongebob and the like…

Just. No.

But then I stopped and wondered if letting them watch Suriviorman where I knew there might be a swear word thrown in here and there made me a hypocrite?  I thought about it and decided that no, it would not! Or maybe it does and I just don’t care. You want to know why? I’m glad you asked!

Because I would rather my kids be the kind of people who say OH SH*T when something scary or startling happens than to be the kind of people who call others stupid and idiots when they don’t agree with them or think they have made a mistake in some way. I would rather them learn about surviving in a dessert and eating snake brains than watching two diva disney stars kiss while the audience ooooohhhhs. Does that make me crazy? Maybe.

Don’t worry though, if you let your kids watch those other kinds of shows, I will not judge you. I might think “Oh sh*t you let your kids watch what?!” But I will never call you can idiot.

That would just be mean.