Monthly Archives: April 2012

My Circumstances Do Not Determine My Joy

“Your circumstances do not determine your joy.”

This is a thought that our pastor has shared many times. And lately I have really been struggling with it.

My joy comes from such a deep, meaningful place. My faith in God. My faith in myself. The undying love and affection of my (very adorable) husband. The smile on my boys’ faces. The warmth of family. The strength of good friends.

And yet?

I let the smallest, insignificant things take away my joy. The car broke down. The ER bill came in the mail. I’m about to live in a hotel. (OK. Maybe they are not all small.) But the things I listed before? The ones that give me joy? They do not change when the mailman comes or when the car doesn’t start. They are still there.

And yet?

I let myself get into a foul mood. I snap at my kids. I growl at my husband. I distance myself from family and friends. I ask “Why, God, why?!”

I’m working on changing that. I’m working on seeing the sunshine through the rain.  Being grateful. Saying thank you. And still thinking of those who wish these were their problems.

My circumstances do not determine my joy.

And neither do yours. So smile.

Feel the joy, friends.  And smile.

No News…Just Packing

You know how when you say a word over and over again then it just sounds funny? Or when you write a word over and over again then it doesn’t look right? I am having that problem with a word. The word is…


Say it two hundred times today and you will see what I mean.

It has lost all meaning to me. I’m over it.

Here is how you can tell…

And this…

I think the boys are over it too…

Charlie said he felt like we live in a warehouse. Can’t really blame him…

So. No news. No real progress on the house purchasing brouhaha.

Just packing.



Did I spell that right? I can’t even tell.

Next on my list of words to hate?


Avocado & Bacon Potato Salad

I needed to bring a Vegetarian friendly dish to a lunch with friends and came across this one from Vegan Visitor for an Avocado Potato Salad. It was delicious but being the lover of meats that I am, I couldn’t help but think…


Yes, bacon inspiration requires all caps.

So I took the basic idea from the link above and made this not so very vegetarian version.

Avocado & Bacon Potato Salad

3 pounds red potatoes, diced and boiled until soft but not mushy
2 large avocados, diced/mashed
juice from one lemon (a few teaspoons of juice will do)
1/2 tsp Kosher salt (more or less to taste, of course)
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp garlic powder (use less if you’re not a fan…I’m a fan of a lot of garlic)
1/2 tsp ground basil (completely optional or use another of your favorite herbs!)
several pieces of cooked bacon, chopped

Once your potatoes are cooled, mix with the avocados. You can either completely mash the avocados or leave some of the pieces diced. Mix in the lemon juice and all of the seasonings. Carefully fold in the bacon pieces. Chill completely before serving. I’d recommend eating this fairly quickly. Even with the lemon juice added the avocados will brown. It still tastes good though!


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Mouthwatering Mondays

It Could Always Be Worse…Probably

I’ve never really used this blog as a place to discuss the happenings of our lives. I’ve shared fun stories and moments but I really don’t want to turn this space into a whine zone. I have, however, discovered that we are going through some pretty intense stuff right now and maybe it would be therapeutic for me to write about it all here. The ups and downs have been tremendous and many of you are just getting let into the chaos that is our life. If you don’t want to be let in, that’s ok. Wait for the next funny moment or story. Trust me, they come to me daily. But if you’d like to hear about how I’ve dealt with the roller coaster of life with a smile and prayer and lots of chocolate, read on.

I just shared with you all that we bought a house. This house. We were all set to close last week and start construction when the bank, at the last possible moment, decided it wasn’t a good investment for them. There is too much work that needs to be done and possibly structural issues. We tried proving them wrong with inspections and the like but they were not convinced. So now, in the eleventh hour, we are starting over with a new bank. Hoping for better luck this time.

We’ve already given our notice at our apartment. We have to be out in two weeks. So that means we will move all of our belongings into storage and move into an extended stay hotel until things get worked out.

It feels as though one thing after the other has gone wrong for us. Have you ever heard that song, “If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.” We’re kind of living that song. Anything that could wrong? Has.

The “why does bad things happen to good people” question is quite present in my brain. I don’t know why so much bad luck has come our way. I’d like to think that we’re being protected from something that we can’t see. There’s something better that going to come out of this. Or maybe the opposite. Maybe this is all just really bad luck, bad timing. Maybe afterwards we’ll just say, “Wow, that was rough.” and never know the why.

I keep telling myself, it could always be worse. We could be jobless, homeless, we could be facing serious health issues or death. It could be much, much worse.

These are just bumps in the road on the path of our life. Really, really, big, obnoxious bumps. I don’t know why they’re there. Ever travel on a road with those big speed bumps and you think why in the heck are these here?! But then further down the road you realize there was a good reason after all. There’s a school or a park. The speed bumps are there for your protection and the protection of others. I’m trying to see our speed bumps as just that.

Something. Some reason. SOMETHING beyond my point of view is going on here. There is something coming down the road. We need to stop, to slow down, to yield.  We don’t know why. We are screaming at the bumps like it’s their fault. YOU STUPID BUMP GET OUT OF MY WAY! But soon, very soon (I hope) we’ll say, “Oh. Silly. Of course there was a bump there!” And we will go on our merry way.

For now, I’ll slow down and step back. We’ll do what we can with what we have. We’ll push for what we want but have faith that we’ll at least get what we need. And I’m ok with that.

The contentment lesson continues. I’m gonna be one patient lady when this is over. Or certifiably insane. But definitely content. Because it could always be worse.

Right? Just say right. It really is not the best time to argue with me.  🙂

No Bake Nutella Cheesecake


I found this recipe from one of my favorite food blogs Let’s Dish. She notes that the original recipe is from My Baking Addiction. (Who I just became a follower of because, WOW!)

Whoever you get the recipe from, just MAKE IT! Because this was delicious and so easy to make!

I made the cheesecakes in mini jelly jars which made is perfect to pack and bring for lunch with friends!

This recipe is very much spoon licking worthy. So be sure to have helpers around! Or not.


Who’s Making The Coffee?!

Just a peek into a normal conversation in my life:

Me: Can you make the coffee for tomorrow morning?

Husband: I don’t want to get up.

Me: But I do it every daaaaay!

Husband: Well I make the money every daaaaay.

Me: Eye roll

Husband: How about this. Every day that I make money, you make the coffee. Every day that you make money, I’ll make the coffee. Fair?

Me: Eyeroll

Quick! Someone sponsor a blog post! I don’t feel like making the coffee!

Darn it. I gotta go make the coffee.

But then I’m going to lay around and watch tv all day and eat the last cookie while you are at work making all the money, husband.

So there.

Healthy Flour Substitutions


White flour is bad.  There, I said it. Go have your cry then come back when you’re ready.

Good? Ok.

Here’s the thing about white flour.  White flour is what’s left after stripping virtually all the nutrients and fiber out of a whole grain of wheat.  Then companies “enrich” the flour with synthetic ingredients to make it “healthier”.  Your body basically turns those white carbs right into sugar.  Not good, people. Not good at all.

Simply switching to healthier flours when you bake (and in the bread/grain products you buy) will make a huge impact in the healthiness of your food!  Imagine eating carbs and not feeling guilty about it!!  Yay!

Which flours should you use? I’m so glad you asked!  Here are the ones I use the most.

Whole Wheat, for obvious reasons.  When using whole wheat flour in baking though, look for a whole wheat pastry flour.  It is lighter than regular whole wheat flour, but still maintains the goodness of the whole wheat. If I substitute whole wheat flour when baking I usually add more liquid than the recipe calls for so it doesn’t turn out too dry.

Half and Half – My husband is not a fan of wheat.  He refuses to eat wheat pasta and I just got him to accept the fact that I’m not buying white bread anymore.  Once in awhile I will make him a loaf of white bread though, just because I love him. So sometimes, as a compromise, I will use half white flour, half whole wheat flour. Or half regular pasta and half whole wheat or multi-grain pasta.  Because I’m nice like that.

Spelt Flour, an all natural grain that is high in protein.  This flour makes great pie crusts and is an all around good for you multi-grain flour.

Other Multi-Grain Flours – Buckwheat, Oat Flour and Brown Rice Flour. Note: these flours are gluten free, which means that you have to use special recipes to use them in baking. More about non-wheat flours here.

White Flour – If you are going to buy white flour, be sure to buy it unbleached and unenriched.  It’s the lesser of two evils as far as white flour goes.

This one small step can increase your family’s fiber intake by so much.  You’ll feel better and your body will love you for it!

What My Kids Think I Do All Day When They’re At School

I read a post by Wendi Aarons today about What My Kids Think I Do All Day When They’re At School and just laughed and laughed. I just knew I had to write my own list because we have this conversation every. single. day.

It’s so funny what our kids (and others) think we do and we we actually do. Much like this picture that’s going around the internet:
So here is my list of what my kids think I do all day:
Tell everyone on Twitter and Facebook about all the embarrassing things that they do.
Blog about “mom stuff” all day.
Sit on the couch and watch tv.
Sit on the couch and google stuff.
Ignore all the chores so they can do it when they get home.
Make the dog hold his pee and never take him out so they can spend their entire night taking the dog out.
Think up new healthy foods and yummy desserts just so they will hate the healthy food so I can have all the yummy dessert to myself when they refuse to eat their dinner.
Bake cookies and treats for other people.
Eat the last cookie.
Disclaimer: Some of these may or may not be true. *Ahem* I love cookies and yummy desserts. And the whole sharing their embarrassing things? I have no idea what they are talking about.

Our New Home

We bought a house! We bought a house!

For the past year and a half we have been living in a very tiny apartment here in Vermont. When we moved here it was our intention of it being very temporary. But life doesn’t like to follow our rules so here we are.

We were finally able to buy but because we still own our other home in Indiana we were not approved for much. We live in a very pricey part of town and we were very discouraged that our budget was going to be so low.

I searched for houses in our price range and was thoroughly disgusted to find two mobile homes and one old farm house. We didn’t want to switch schools and we really love the area. So I called Matt.

“There is one house in the whole town in our price range. I guess we should go see it?”

So we did. As we were driving out to the house I was thinking, “Where are we going?!” It felt like we were out in the middle of nowhere but it really was only a few minutes away from the middle of town. When we pulled up and I saw the view, I was sold. You can’t buy this kind of view for the price they were asking.

It was very obvious how much work the house needed. Lots and lots of work. Lots and lots of money. But so worth it. We fell in love with the house. The price, even with added costs of renovation, was affordable. It was a foreclosure so we knew we could get it even cheaper than the asking price.

We were sold!

We were told it was built in 1850 but after some research it looks like it may have been 1860. It was built on one of the main parts of town at the time and is listed as having historic significance at the state level. I definitely plan on looking into that detail more! Unfortunately a lot of the original character was lost in renovations but there are still many characteristics that I’m really in love with.

I plan on sharing all of our renovations with you all here on the blog.  Renovating an old farm house has been one of those things I’ve always dreamed about and I am super excited to get started!

During my research on the history of the home I read in a book called “Down Depot Hill” (wrote last year) this line from a resident of the street:

“Life here may likely be a modern version of what it was like for the folks who first settled here. Families are still working the earth, the neighborhood kids are still getting together to play out-of-doors in the fields and woods, and the old houses are still providing shelter from Mother Nature.”

That line alone makes my heart squeal. That is exactly the kind of place where I want to raise my boys.

I’m so excited to get started on this new journey and equally thrilled to share it with all of you!

Stay tuned!

I’m Raising Supporters of Breastfeeding…Apparently

Charlie: Mom, how old was Chewie when we got him?

Me: He was about eight weeks old.

Charlie: Why didn’t we get him when he was first born?

Me: Because newborn puppies need to stay with their mommies so they can drink her milk.

Charlie: Oh, poor Chewie. I bet he misses his mommy’s boob.

And then I died.

Charlie and Chewie. Lovers of breastfeeding. I guess.