Mommy Guilt: Lowering My Expectations of Myself

This week I bought some items from the grocery store that I normally wouldn’t buy. Not a ton of junk food or anything, just some boxed and convenience foods that I normally steer clear of. I have a lot on my mind right now. A lot to work through. So I’m giving myself a little […]

We Finally Arrived

Almost fourteen years ago, when Matt and I started our lives together, he worked at the mall. It was a good position in a sports store. Sometimes we think back to those days and wonder how we made it though. Once we had our first son, things changed. Matt decided it was time to go […]

Breakfast Idea: A Healthy Way to Eat Waffles!

 A few months ago I bought a Good Housekeeping magazine with Dr. Oz on the front cover boasting a weight loss meal plan. Yes, I bought it. My muffin top told me to. We followed the meal plan for about three weeks and honestly, I did drop weight quite quickly. But it was A LOT […]

Household Chores – Dividing Up The Work

My blogging/twitter/Vermont friend Crunchy Vermont Mommy wrote a post about the Division of Household Labor in her home.  I started leaving her a comment on her post and felt like there was way too much to say so I thought I’d write about it here!  Thanks V, for the inspiration! So the question is, How […]

Parenting: Nurturing vs Spoiling

I was having an online conversation with some fellow moms on Twitter about the idea of where does the line of nurturing our children and spoiling them become blurred.  We were talking mainly on the idea of moms making lunches for their high school children. At first I was appalled at the idea of it. […]

Applesauce Muffins

The original recipe for these muffins are from carrot puree 1/4 cup

Quick and Healthy Pancakes

I am not a fan of prepared foods. I try very, very hard not to buy prepackaged foods. I mean, have you read what the ingredients are in a box of frozen waffles?  I try to follow my golden rule of food as often as possible. So in an effort to provide healthy choices to […]